Buckle up.

Dear Friend,

Consider yourself officially invited to the celebration of the unholy union between Amy and Claudio. After five long years of battle-testing each other's patience, we have decided that a relationship that good must be electronically submitted to the government and sealed with a (mandatory) solemnisation ceremony.


What this will accomplish we do not know, but it provides us with a good excuse to throw a party.


We're still fleshing out the details of the party, but we're firmly committed to making it a special event for everyone. Even the lame people among you.


But please don't expect a traditional wedding of any sort. There will be no hotel ballroom, no white gown (What an odd word anyway, gown. Gown. Gown. Gown.), no church, no name cards on tables, no MC and probably no wedding cake. We'll also get the solemnisation stuff out of the way before this goes down.

you're welcome!

So what can we promise? Well, we want to focus on:


Please do not bring angbaos or gifts.


The party is on us and our place is too small for gifts. Unless your gift is a bigger place. Like, a 5 bedroom condo, centrally located, new building. We'll take that.


For our overseas guests, we're ready to take a week or two off from work to make sure you have a great time in Singapore. Come a few days earlier so we can do food, drinks, sights and a fair amount of sweating in the heat together.


Perhaps consider spending some time in Indonesia, Thailand or Cambodia afterwards. We might join.

get to the point

The main event is going to happen on Saturday, January 26th 2019. We're asking you to RSVP by November 30th so we know whether we still like you. We will update you with details at a later date.

Click here to RSVP

tick tock.